


11*30*03 - beth and i are the funniest people i know tonight
11*29*03 - i'm through making friends
11*27*03 - nothing but x-men for this girl
11*24*03 - i got real drunk this weekend
11*17*03 - right now, my computer won't make nice with travis's computer
11*17*03 - make you or break you
11*7*03 - i'm angry
11*6*03 - priceless (for eleanor) - copeland
11*5*03 - she changes your mind - copeland
11*4*03 - give me a reason to listen to something other than copeland
11*3*03 - still stuck on copeland
11*3*03 - coffee - copeland
11*2*03 - it's a copeland week
11*2*03 - california - copeland
11*2*03 - take care - copeland (for darren)
