


12*31*03 - happy almost 2004
12*26*03 - suburban stars
12*25*03 - happy christmas
12*24*03 - new northstar helps me remember
12*23*03 - new northstar
12*23*03 - hey wanna throw up? get me naked. - minus the bear
12*23*03 - how to deal=worst movie ever
12*22*03 - black lines to battlefields - acceptance
12*20*03 - this year makes me think of...
12*20*03 - i've done nothing but listen to crappy music all day
12*19*03 - suga suga
12*14*03 - this is way too much for me
12*13*03 - i wish my computer death
12*7*03 - anna begins - counting crows
12*4*03 - my past isn't worth getting upset over
12*3*03 - coffee - copeland
12*2*03 - repeat playlist
12*1*03 - i'm dying inside a little more
