


10*30*03 - start here - the gloria record
10*30*03 - see, i am like a gun
10*27*03 - je suis une petite fille
10*26*03 - barley and hopes - everest
10*25*03 - my tummy is full of good food.
it makes me sleepy

10*24*03 - runaway - mae
10*23*03 - soundtrack for our movie - mae
10*22*03 - just like him
10*21*03 - sun - mae
10*21*03 - summertime - mae
10*20*03 - perfect teeth - motion city soundtrack
10*18*03 - modern chemistry - motion city soundtrack
10*16*03 - works for me
10*14*03 - a movie script ending - death cab for cutie
10*9*03 - blacking out the friction - death cab for cutie
10*9*03 - my vegetarian/copeland/running days
10*8*03 - i was a kaleidoscope - death cab for cutie
10*7*03 - someone take this song away from me
10*6*03 - only one person
10*6*03 - his music
10*4*03 - Please Come Home (dinner will be on the table, and i'll be hanging in the shed)
10*3*03 - wow, a real diary entry
10*2*03 - oh cripes, the puppy dog look
10*2*03 - i enjoy enon
10*1*03 - in this city - enon
