
Other diaries:


barley and hopes - everest

1. the round eyed devil's other band is pretty good.
2. i am more frightened of the suburbs than i am the city.
3. yesterday was good times.
4. annelise, mediterannean food, the round eyed devil, everest, and lilo and stitch.
5. today has been a day of mixed things.
6. part of me has wanted to move into a cave and the other part just wants to hang out and have fun.
7. i'm going to bed before something bad happens.
8. holy crap, annelise and i just spoke of the best plan.
9. we are moving to germany.
10. our names translate as follows:
11. kristen 3rd reich sauerkraut von leiderhosen.
12. annelise kraftwerk beersausage von volkswagon.
13. guten tag!
14. oh man, i haven't had a fit like that since april when i almost died laughing on the floor of annelise's apartment (it's on video, if anyone would like to watch).
15. this was sad:
16. stuck with your pictures on my wall, and your stars on my desk, and i don't have the will to move them.

regress /progress

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