
Other diaries:


start here - the gloria record

1. you're always happy in pictures, even when i took pictures after you begged me not to.
2. i wish i could re-live those moments.
3. do this.
4. light that smoke you earned for giving up on me.
5. wow, so you really are a boy, not a unicorn.
6. tonight i ran into my parents room with my halloweenie costume on, yelling, "tomorrow's halloweenie! tomorrow's halloweenie!".
7. i got laughed at.
8. and my mom told me to make sure i cut the tag off the head of my costume, else i wanted someone to hang me by it.
9. today there was a bee in my car.
10. so i had to stop, get out on the passenger's side (it was on the driver's side windowsill), try to shoo it away with a cd, it proceeded to chase me around my car like i was playing chinese firedrill, and then i jumped back in my car, rolled my windows up, and sped off.
11. in case you haven't already guessed, i don't like bees.

regress /progress

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