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Send me anything but signals that are mixed

Damn Kristen, you're short...You're, what, like two feet tall?

Hey, you wanna tell me something that I don't know?! I'm so sick of hearing it. The annoyance is just short of having water stuck inside my ears and hearing the constant swish back and forth as I shake my head retardedly to try to get it out. I feel ugly today, like a troll. My ragged hair, my blackened heart, my shriveled up soul, blotchy red skin, my everything. Like the dead, flattened squirrel on the asphalt, I want to feel nothing but a full release of endorphins as I am crushed between the tires and the ground. I have no one to fucking talk to, no one to spill my guts on the floor with, I am by myself in my own mess.

I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going.
I know I love someone, but I don't know if he loves me the same way.
I know I miss someone, but I don't know if he misses me.
I know I am angry at someone, but I don't know if she knows that.
I'm jealous.

I'm talking to Meredith right now. I miss her too. She's coming home in 3 weeks, which means that summer starts soon. I'm going to get Thai food with Sam. Happy happy happy...

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