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shows, puking pizza, and no sleep

i didn't update during the same time period last year. i'm amused, but not really.

three shows in three days thus far: milemarker/les savy fav on thursday, JEW friday, mustard plug tonight, and maybe millencollin/homegrown tomorrow night? in any event, the crowd in michigan for JEW was more than obnoxious. the music was great, i danced and went crazy when they played what would i say to you now?, which i, as well as a girl standing behind me, enjoyed thoroughly. i *heart* elbowing ridiculous girls with funny looking noses who try to shove their way past me like they're something special. yeah, i'm from chicago so eff you if you live in michigan and you were at JEW.

on another note, tonight was fun. nick and i played the "what famous people would you do, given the chance?" game during mustard plug.

yuck, and i just ate some nasty pizza that i think is about to throw itself in the toilet. excuse me.

regress /progress

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