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We must keep alive

Nevermind, I'm ten times more upset than I thought. It took 5 hours of sleep to make me see it though.

This morning there was a void in my bed, a place where he seemed to have slept, and then departed before I even awoke. I could sleepily feel him kiss my cheek, and sure enough, when my eyes opened, I was the only one in the bed.

My heart is crying now, choking on its own tears, but she's still beating, ticking effortlessly away. I know he'll be back, and I know that he loves me. It just makes things more difficult to know that he really is going to be far away this time.

I know one spectacular story of a boy and a girl who fell in love one weekend. In their eyes they were perfection, to each other, so very beautiful. One time they were separated for 6 weeks in July/August. Within two days, they cried enough tears to fill a sea. It hurt so much to be apart. And the day he came back, her heart filled with so much happiness as her then cold-stricken head saw him approach her front door. He walked inside, dropped his backpack to the ground, and gave her a hug that would last forever.

This will last forever.

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