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Next to the truck

I could have said something to an object blocking my view for most of the show, but it would have ruined my night. I'm losing the memories of this mess piece by piece, and it's not going to get any easier by trying to be normal about it, you know?

No, you really, really don't.

Doesn't matter, no explanation needed.

Tonight was, again, fucking great. Thanks Nug and Dave... My heart told me to expect the worst, and when the best came I left feeling surreal (will explain later).

After the show I saw that Hans had called while I was at Metro. I called him back, only to hear that he was soon going to sleep, but that he's all right. I can rest easy.

Dave and I had some fun screaming Alk3 in the car ride home on the Edens. I think Nug thinks we're crazy now, but it's all right. We dropped him off, headed to my house to grab some more cd's and proceeded to sit in front of my house for a little bit just talking and stuff. We drove to Omega listening to JEW's self-titled, ate, and then drove home from there listening to Alk3's self-titled as well as The Anniversary.

So about feeling surreal, yeah. It happens after really good shows, where I feel like I wasn't even there, even though I know I took every last drop of it in. On our way out, Nug says the guy in front of me was dancing like a fly girl, which I find absolutely hilarious. We proceed to talk about MC Hammer and the like as we leave. Of course we're attacked by the entorage of people handing out fliers and promo cds.

Oh, but tonight was so good, better than a Slurpee on a really hot day. And I'm terribly happy that Dave did in fact make it up here for the show.

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