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An angel for me

In the fog I hear that voice, the voice that belongs to the beauty with the satin soft skin. And I hear the tired in his voice from the sleepless last night in town, where four hours earlier he endowed me with a kiss.

The remainder of the day proceeds as normal.

But then the show, it's always at the show, I see that I miss him, that I always miss him. And how I wanted him to be there with me, not just to hold me, but to see how much I see in JEW.

And eventually during one particular song, the emotion erupts and it cannot be contained anymore. So despite the soft tone of music, I'm screaming lyrics like a banshee straight out of hell because that's the only way it would feel right, that I would feel right.

I could talk about him for hours on end, ending up at one key element: intense beauty that is the easiest to notice. Soon enough he will return, when the frost has made a longterm home on the grass and the ground, maybe even after the first snow falls.

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