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Fast times at Ridgemont High

Tiny spirals drawn on my leg, looking so shiny and new. One lick of water and it will all disappear.

Your words are haunting me. When I close my eyes and the fireworks begin behind my eyelids, I see memories of us, only becoming more and more faint as the time passes on. One day I will read letters written to seek the better times we've shared. Maybe I'll catch a few glipses of our beauty together, maybe even feel it too. There was one night where *you* stood below my bedroom window so late at night. We were so quiet while we spoke the few words we did, and I was sorry that I couldn't come out to at least embrace *you*. I heard the words I love you come through those lips I always treasured so. And then *you* were gone as quickly as *you* had come. So many times did I await to hear from *you* arriving at Davis or Howard. I'd get to the station and see *you* patiently waiting outside reading and listening to music. *You'd* slip into my car, and we'd be gone together in a world where only we existed. I smile as I write this because I was happy then. I knew *you* had some love to give me.

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