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Blue stars and Black and Milds

It's times like now where I feel like life is running me into the ground. I'm sorry for the delayed updates. I haven't had much time to write, nor have I really had much to say. My words have come seldom to my fingers, thus leaving this diary untouched. Thank you to those who left messages in the guestbook.

It's been beautiful here the past week or so. A tad bit humid for my liking, it's better than the monotonous 55 degrees, cold, and cloudy shit we had for nearly a month. Maybe it's summer in Chicagoland...maybe.

This week has been about fountains. A couple days ago, I saw a man (with an excessive plumber's crack) bent over in the dry fountains at Fountain Square picking up change that people had thrown in, yunno, the good luck change. He had a whole grocery bag full. It was great.

Then there's the fountain by McClurg and the Chicago River. We watched as they shot water across the river, making this curtain to any boaters passing through. And slowly, the water began to cease flowing from the fountain, and it became close to silent. It smelled of chlorine in the air, amidst the smells of summer and warmth.

regress /progress

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