
Other diaries:


No Sensitivity

I am immersed in beauty. It's swallowing me whole, and I can't breathe. I can't say it enough, that I miss Patrick. It's been weeks since we've last seen each other, weeks that have seemed like days and days that have seemed like hours because time between us is never an issue. Never ceases to amaze me.

My cold seems to be heading downhill. Blech, I'm so tired of being sick. It's been 3 days too many.

Andy called to see if I was going to see Sig Transit Gloria...he's one of the best, and one of the few males that I would say deserves a really, really good girlfriend. I should hang out with Andy more. He's fun!

I still hurt, a tiny spot in my heart. It's never lasting pain, but a short pinching sort of pain. It comes sporatically and I can never calculate its appearance. It's slowly going away, as I'm slowly going away. With my heart follows my mind, my spirit, my soul. I fear that tiny spot erupting into a large cancer-like sore that will encase my entire body. Blah. Bye.

Again, technically tomorrow...
I'm weak for *you*. Warm embraces and *your* gentle touch makes me melt forcefully to the ground. My knees cave, I am at *your* mercy.

I need to change the look of this page...I can't make up my mind whether I like it or not, so it's been changing bi-weekly.

regress /progress

Site Meter.