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Tired of Sex

3 days in a row, I'm amazing. I despise elder folks right now. It's Wednesday and of course, they're all out doing their "senior citizen" thing. Whatever, it's a crock to me. They can't drive, can't walk, can't make rational decisions...ah the list could go on forever.

Enough of that. I read an incredibly well-written journal today. Really, it's beautiful. Her words are so deep, so touching, so just goddamn amazing I can't even place it. Check it out. It's wonderous. And I...I am speechless.

I'm writing in silence for once. No music, just me typing and attempting to gather thoughts at which I am at a loss for. I am ok today. Not happy, not lonely, just okay. So much has happened in the past 1 1/2 weeks, but I can't contain myself and I'm still confused. I want a hug. Will *you* or anyone else give me a hug? Arms wrapped around me, placing me at a comfort level where I will feel safe and protected...I long for a hug. Four days I've been without a hug, without warm contact. Hold Me

I'm muttled between Aphex Twin and emo today. Ok, 'nuff of this. I'm starting to feel alone again, something I cannot deal with right now.

Later that day...
*You* are mine. I'll stop basking in happiness now. Oh, but there's so much to roll in. *sigh*

regress /progress

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