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It's 8 A.M. and I'm incoherent

It's fucking nearly 8 A.M. and I got 3 goddamn hours of sleep. Yeah, I'm pissed. I don't know what else I'm expected to be. Right about now my eyelids are drooping down to my knees, and my eyeballs are fucking the back of my eyelids for more sleep. John was out 'til 6:45 A.M. this morning. I had to pleasure of having his mom call at 5 A.M., waking my entire household. Of course I didn't go back to sleep cuz I was worried something happened, but I finally coaxed myself into going back to sleep. 6 motherfucking forty-five I get another call saying that he's home and that "he had Megan's car". I was so tempted to tell his mother that he's been taking the cars out for well over 6 months, but I spared him and hoped that maybe the truth would come out thru his own mouth and not mine.

Now I feel worthless and utterly stupid. My parents aren't pleased with the 5 A.M. early morning sunshine call. What am I to do now tho? I get the blame for his mother calling at 5 A.M. Fuck, I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE TO CALL HERE AT 5 A.M.! But I'm sure they would do the same damn thing if I wasn't supposed to leave the house, yet I was missing. Again, it's barely 8 A.M. and I've already been yelled at by my father who already knows that I'm destined for failure. My mother is dead asleep. Sometimes I just wonder why I'm here taking up what little space I do. I still think I suck big fat purple jelly beans. . .More on my pointless life later.

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