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A million ways to kill a human

I have a headache. A big fat stinkin headache. Why is it that when I think things are getting better, they always go sour? Well, today's been busy. Work sucked, I really don't like people. I have no sure way to avoid them, so I just stopped pondering ways it could actually happen. I slept for a while, but the headache is still present.

Work was insane today. It's fucking Friday and everyone and their moms decided to come in today. Eventually I got fet up with helping people, so I sat on the floor in the workroom to eat my lunch. I didn't care if there were people waiting, I just wanted to sit and eat my goddamn lunch. So there, I'm a terrible worker. Shut it, I don't care.

Which leads me to my next problem: my fear of working in retail my entire life. I think I'd rather die than hafta wait hand and foot on stuck up, cheap-ass people. Sometimes it's complete hell working retail. I guess I'm not really allowed to ask for more than retail if I don't succeed in anything else, that anything else being school. Sad shit, but it's what it all comes down to. I'm too mindless to come up with some money making invention. No no, I'm too dumb for that. I have nothing to be sorry for as of late. Whatever has become of me has been brought upon by my own self. No more sorrow (I say that now, wait 15 mins. or so. . .).

I met John's (boyfriend kiddo) best friend last night at some 3:30 A.M. Nice time to meet someone of such importance, eh? Either way, I'm glad I finally got to meet her. She reminded me very much of this girl that I used to be friends with. She seems very fragile, not fragile spirited but just fragile. I could just see her being placed on a platter up high so that no one could disturb her. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it as a bad thing. That's about all I can say about her right now, based off of first impressions and everything like that. Anywho yeeeeeah.

I actually like handwriting stuff more than this typing piece. I've given myself a good migraine from spending endless hours doing absolutely nothing on this box. As I go back and read my writings (which I hate doing, but I don't like repeating myself) I see that in these past two entries things have seemed more and more irrelavent. I suck big fat purple jelly beans dipped in gasoline and then pissed on. Damn, that's great.

regress /progress

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