
Other diaries:


I want to fall asleep in *your* arms

Awaiting more's beautiful. There hasn't been any here since summer. It's back now. It's warm.

I'm sorry to anyone I misinformed with that last entry. It wasn't directed to anyone in particular, so stop feeling like you're the special thing/person/feeling I'm directing it to.

Rain fell today, streaking the windows of cars like tears streak her face. The time is dwindling and the space between them becoming larger. For some reason, the sky right now is beautiful with its monotonous gray and lack of a light source.

A woman told her the girl was a beautiful skater. She felt good to be beautiful for an hour. She is exhausted from the physical work, but her mentality is stronger now.

Technically tomorrow, but who's counting...
There was rain throughout the remainder of the night. I was free. The smell infused my body making me feel so real...I wanted to cry. I'm looking forward to my weekend. Emily, Emi, Brandon, Nika, are all with me. I wonder if CSPAIBLS still prevails. I let John borrow my Selected Ambient Works: Volume II for his trip to Ohio. It's such a peaceful, serendepitous album. He deserves peace. True, I probably haven't been very rational in terms of dealing with our situation...I don't know, I'm caught in the middle. But for now, I will not think about it, and I'll try not to feel. I'll just be instead. That's the best I can do.

regress /progress

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