
Other diaries:


i'm such a homo... in the club - 50 cent

i miss writing in my diary. however, when i have not a single thought in my head to write about, i can't write (duh?).

last night i learned that i cannot be stuck in a car with kevin and skip for an extended period of time. it's me, times 3, and that's just bad news. we were loud, retarded, and annoying, but all in a good way. i saw x-men for the fourth time (...and there will be a fifth), had dinner with skip (barbie's little sister), and got some stuff organized in my room.

my life operates like this: i need plans. i need plans to feel organized, because, despite the condition of my room (it's a horrific mess), i like to have every other aspect of my life planned out and organized. if i don't have things this way, i go nuts.

other things that make me go nuts:
aluminum foil (yuck)
any metal object scraping against another metal object
bathrooms that are not in the state of illinois

my father and i got into a discussion about my potty training days. apparently i liked to sit in my own shit until i was 3. i refused to go on the little potty. that's alarming.

i've made two mix cds. i think i'll make one more, just in case...

regress /progress

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