
Other diaries:


I seem to still lack in the "eye contact" and "communication" dept.

This is where frustrations go, right? This is where I explain my exploits of my horrid fiction class with the woman stuffed with Satan. This is where I tell you that her body resembles a squash, a big fat (today purple) squash. This is where I say that I wish she would drop dead (I do not wish that on anyone currently, besides her) or at least spontaniously combust.

Today this poor excuse for an educator pulled me out of class in the middle of a lecture to repremand me. I gained much amusement from this, so I took full defensive mode, being the biggest smartass I could possibly be. And from now on, when I wake up on Monday/Wednesday mornings, I will wake with the intentions of shoving all of my talents and good work in her face. Now, this isn't the smartest thing to do, but if I'm on time, I do some quality work, and keep up with all the reading (which will be no problem), there's not a damn thing she can do to fail me.

...always the rebellious one... my parents would say. No. I just don't like getting stepped on.

regress /progress

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