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Where have all the orange lights gone?

Destination Downtown: Good night...Brandon and Emily came around 11. There was nowhere to go but endless possibilities. We rounded the Sheridan curve at 80 mph, due to Brandon's liking for psycho driving. LSD is always fun, but even moreso when Brandon is driving. There was the one way streets in which he proceeded to drive the wrong way down not one but two streets. It was at Rock 'N Roll McDonald's that he started phreaking out when a cop pulled into the parking lot, stopping directly behind his car. Drove home on 94, and making our way through Wilmette and Kenilworth, we all three gawked at the disgustingly huge houses that lined the shore of Lake Michigan. The guesthouses are bigger than my frickin house. A good night had...A memory.

I'm tired, and I miss *you*. I miss the arms that always welcome me, the lips that never fail to take my breath away. I want the chaotic times to disappear. I'm sorry.

11:32 P.M.
I am walking, out in the rain, and I am, listening to the low moan, of the dial tone again, and I am getting, nowhere with you, and I can't let it go, and I can't get through...the old woman, behind the pink curtains, and the closed door, on the first floor, she's listening through the air shaft, to see how long our swan song can last, and both hands, now use both hands, oh, no don't close your eyes, I am writing, graffiti on your body, I am drawing the story of, how hard we tried, I am watching your chest rise and fall, like the tides of my life, and the rest of it all, and your bones have been my bedframe, and your flesh has been my pillow, I am waiting for sleep, to offer up the deep with both hands, in each other's shadows we grew less and less tall, and eventually our theories couldn't explain it all, and I'm recording our history now on the bedroom wall, and eventually the landlord will come, and paint over it all, and I am walking, out in the rain, and I am listening to the low moan of the dial tone again, and I am getting nowhere with you, and i can't let it go, and I can't get through, so now use both hands, please use both hands, oh, no don't close your eyes, I am writing graffiti on your body, I am drawing the story of how hard we tried...Ani D., how beautiful is she... Both Hands

I don't know where to go anymore. There's nowhere to hide, but that's not what I want.

regress /progress

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