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This night reminded me of *you*

For yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the next day, things have settled inside me because now things seem to make more sense. Better yet, I seem to make more sense. I just hope I'm not forging excuses to make myself like me better.

Tonight the clouds rolled fast over the sky, the wind pushing them forward and beyond, making a kaleidoscope of the stars. And these clouds were pink (like cotton candy) against the dark evening sky. All I could do was laugh, because it felt good to watch the fast paced action spilling like waves onto the entire horizon.

My life is moving fast, and I don't know that I've made that much progression in the past year (schoolwise). I'm afraid that one day I will be 30, stuck at home with the same damned job (not that my job is anything to complain about). Ah, but I don't think that will happen. As the days pass I have become more virtuous, having more expectations of my life than previous occassions.

I just wish I could be a part of more beautiful things like tonight.

regress /progress

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