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The diaries of a girl who's heart has been broken twice in one year

It scares me that I can hide it so well. Hans saw me, only because I let him. On the car ride home I tried to hide tears with paper thin eyelids. Tears soaked right through with no hesitation. And when he touched my leg to comfort me, for some reason it was one of the most painful things I've ever felt. But as he held my hand, his fingers moved gingerly across the back of mine, and things began to feel better. He's leaving soon, on Saturday. I'm hoping this week won't be too rough for me. I don't want to say goodbye.

The weekend was good though. There was lotsa fun and lotsa alcohol. I miss(ed) Skip terribly, and it was great jumping out of the car barefoot to give him a hug when we first arrived. There's too much to say about this weekend that I only feel like sharing with certain people. So I stop at that.

skip12981 (1:02:07 AM): everyone in our crew loves kristen and that is a fact

And Kristen loves them right back.

regress /progress

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