
Other diaries:


I ate 13 cheese sticks...ew

I'm not sure how I should feel about suburban pop punk shows at Metro, but something tells me that I shouldn't feel too fond of them. It's like reliving high school, without all the people you really went to school with. It's just a bunch of idiotic high school kids running around exuding their hot shit auras that all really mean insecurities. Screw me if I was at all like that when I was still at Evanston.

But when you've got someone like Kenny there with you, everything is funny. The best is when he points at some little 15 year old's bag and screams out, "Like that girl's bag! Those ones! That just made my night!," and nearly falls over. He found a watered down five dollar bill on the ground and gave it to Kelly, which I'm sure she appreciated very much (you know, because it was a kiddie show that she would make a whole $20 in tips from all the parents that would buy drinks there just so they could possibly tune out all the music). And seeing 504plan Nick was okay. I got my one hug for the day from him.

And I don't understand boys and testosterone and that whole deal. Moreso, I don't understand drunk boys and testosterone. Could someone please explain this to me? Thanks.

regress /progress

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