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Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, it's always about frickin Jimmy

I'm 1 day away from being the proud owner of the Japanese Singles album (with the other versions of Sweetness), as well as two German imports.

John and I had a little disagreement over who was the bigger JEW fan...
StarsLookOverMe (1:06:32 AM): i'm hoping to get the japanese singles on ebay, along with some german clarity demos.
StarsLookOverMe (1:08:43 AM): oh well, hopefully by thursday i'll have all three of those.
StarsLookOverMe (1:08:50 AM): and then i'll be a super JEW fan
StarsLookOverMe (1:08:57 AM): haha, i have a sickness.
Save Our Farms (1:09:10 AM): ahhh! nuclear subs! (what?)
Save Our Farms (1:09:12 AM): yay!
StarsLookOverMe (1:09:24 AM): super jew fan. hahahahaha!
StarsLookOverMe (1:09:25 AM): i'm lame.
Save Our Farms (1:09:44 AM): no, im a bigger jew fan
StarsLookOverMe (1:09:45 AM): i have an obsession. there should be a jimmy eat world anonymous or something, yunno, like AA.
StarsLookOverMe (1:10:01 AM): who saw them in cali?
Save Our Farms (1:10:03 AM): no, that's me
StarsLookOverMe (1:10:44 AM): that's right, me!
Save Our Farms (1:10:54 AM): ME
StarsLookOverMe (1:12:09 AM): no no no

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