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Things never seemed so beautiful

I'm starting to feel better physically, which is a good sign of my tonsilitis slowly going away. Everything inside my mouth still hurts to no end, but my legs don't hurt so much and my fever is gone.

Last night I left my house for the first time in two days. I hung out with Nick at his apartment. We had tea/hot cocoa and talked about music and such. It was fun, something different.

I need to get out more at night, late at night. That's something that John and I used to do a lot. *sigh* But it's kind of hard to do it now without him. Everyone else has some sanity left, and they sleep while we see.

It's nice to hear people say that they miss me, but it's sad at the same time. It makes me feel like I've been a bad friend by not calling them or trying to see them. I guess I'm just selective sometimes, and I'd rather pick who I want to be around rather than tolerate those who I'd rather kill (or something not so drastic).

regress /progress

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