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i hope you choke on dried goose turd

1. this arguing and fighting should've never started, or at the least, stopped long ago.
2. friendships are at their end, and there are no means to salvage them.
3. it's too bad; i really hoped for a lot of it.
4. feelings are hurt, misunderstandings are in abundance, and ignorance is frightfully plentiful.
5. it separates the men from the boys, though, and the women from the girls.
6. i don't consider myself a child anymore.
7. ...not even a young adult.
8. the most i wanted was for people to at least understand, to accept what they weren't willing to accept, and to just be happy that we're finally happy.
9. but no, there are too many selfish people in this world, too many people that aren't willing to see their own faults or at least acknowledge them enough so that they can be fixed.
10. no, because it's much easier to claim your ground and stick to it, to not back down and condescend.
11. there are reasons why you lost your women; there are reasons why they lost you too.
12. i'm not perfect, i'm well aware of this.
13. you might view my relationship as an imperfection as well, however, it's the closest thing to perfection that i have.
14. besides my unfaltering relations with good friends, it's the only thing i have, but i'm happy with that.
15. so why try and fuck with it, and in the process screw yourselves?
16. this is my life, and this is his life.
17. people grow up, their priorities change, and unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it [aside from condemn them, which you've already done plenty of].
18. [ensue mental breakdown at approximately 1:00 AM - 1:30 AM]
19. with tears, sobbing, heaving, and the works.
20. fuck you, boys, for letting me think that putting a grand amount of faith into you was well worth anyone's effort, when in fact, it's not worth a goddamned thing but a waste of time.

regress /progress

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