
Other diaries:


You'll give him a ride to the train, right?

The guest entry things were fun. Thanks to John, Annelise, Emily, XEd RocX, Nick, Kristine, Andy, and Dave for making it happen. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe I'll do it again sometime.

Today was frustrating in every way possible. I wasn't looking forward to waking up before 12 for work, and going in didn't make things any better. Shelia still doesn't have the schedules up for classes that start on Monday. The show was all sorts of fucked up too. My dad bitched at me for going out at 4 AM last night, which I didn't care too much about, but didn't feel like dealing with at the time.

Tonight got better though. I actually had fun at work, and after was even better. I drove the cute Ukranian boy home (didn't want him to take the train) with Rada in tow. He's nice, but still young. Then Rada and I had food at Baker's, while overhearing much conversation about speak of God/the Bible (which goes along with my current all I do is think in terms of how God does not exist phase). She's funness, I should hang out with her more often.

regress /progress

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