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You with the stupid pants, please leave the building now

Oh, for the love, Annelise and I crack we up. Yeah, you heard me, we crack me up. Tonight at S*R/Catch22 is proof of our snobbiness at shows.

Annelise gave me my birthday present: Hello Kitty stickers, 5-totem color pencil thingy, glitter, and $1.99 mittens from the greatest store in the world, Walgreens. We came in a bit after S*R started, talked with Kelly (who Annelise also gave mittens to) for a bit, and ran off down to merch to buy unneeded stuff. Double J recognized me, which made me feel good. I gots me new light blue S*R shirt (it'll shrink, and it's cute). We made our way back upstairs for Riddlin' Kids (who weren't so bad) and 80 percent White (a.k.a. LBC, a.k.a. CRAP). I wasn't so in the mood for Catch, and tonight I learned that ska kids annoy the living hell out of me. No more ska shows for me (besides MU330 on the 22nd).

I went back down to merch to talk to Double J some more. He was quite drunk, but it was amusing. Ah, and this was fun too. As I was about to leave he was like, "Wait, let me come around to give you a hug."

And he did exactly that, came around from the merch room and gave me a big fatty hug.

The show let out, I got attacked by the usual wave of show-promoting flyer handing out people, but this time was a bit different. A girl handing out Secret Agent Bill flyers was says, and I quote:

"...and you get one for being the smallest girl I've seen tonight..."

And then she hugged me.

regress /progress

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