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i could've used the monkey wrench tonight

i'm done with HOB for a long time, possibly forever. i hate that place more than i can tell you, and it is only because something corporate that i was there this evening.

let me say that nothing screams lovin like using your girlfriend as a barrier in a "mosh" pit, and by mosh pit i mean fratboys playing air guitar who randomly decide that they want to run into another body (or let their girlfriend do it for them). i've never seen anything more romantic in my life. really.

i don't think i need to say how much lucky boys confusion sucks. i'd rather have an enema than see them ever again. oh, and someone tell stubhy that it's not so classy to wear the same shirt two days in a row, better yet, everytime you attend a show. i mean, come on, LBC is from raperville, which is an assumably well-off suburb of chicago (but still not chicago, please don't get the two confused). buy some new clothes or at least wear different ones from time to time and at least make me think that you own more than one crappy student*rick t-shirt.

also, the next time some retarded HOB security guard tells me or any of my friends that we're not allowed to bring fliers into that shitty venue, expect me to return with jumper cables, which i will attach to the nipples of whichever HOB security guard, as well as a car battery. don't get on some power trip because you work as a corporate whore for the house of bitches. i'm still better than you, so i suggest you stop fucking with me.

and i like that when i hear "walking by" i think of *you*...

regress /progress

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