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Day of tragedy

I woke up hearing about the attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. I ate lunch hearing about it, went to school hearing about it, walked the building while in school hearing about it, and came home and read about it some more. It's everywhere, and it's evident that this is more than a crisis. Army generals have compared this terrorist attack to Pearl Harbor. This was just another day in America's life. Goes to show how vulnerable as a country we are to things that can happen on our soil.

All over the web, there are pictures of Palestinian children waving Palestinian flags, celebrating the attacks on the U.S. And it's disturbing to think that children, although thought to be only young and naive, know exactly what's going on throughout the world.

There is always going to be world struggle, a quest for world peace. In this tired time of U.S. tragedy, I just wish well to all the families of those who lost someone dear and to the recovery of those who survived.

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