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Anticipation kills all

Feel it in your body, radiate, yeah. The music moved us tonight forcing us to be freed of all that ails us.

I see now why I don't do these types of things very often. I feel safe in my own house, I am surrounded by people that care. But the aftermath is what I'm not about dealing with: the control issues, the hostility, everything. It was a good time though, and I am in control. I know it, I'm sober.

And now for another one of my alter-egos...
Dude, so we were smoking a bowl in the back of Bob's car, and dude, we got so f-ing blowed. Bob takes this tight ass turn, and like, dude, we all freaked out. Steve-O and I are boys now, dude. It's all good. We're going to this keg tomorrow night at his house. Dude, there's supposed to be hella fine females there. I'm all over it, dude.

Frat boy is gone now.

Sitting here, it's late...almost 4 A.M. I feel bad about something that happened tonight with *you*. I regrettedly said something I did not mean. I'm sorry, and there's no other way for me to say it. There is no other explanation besides my frustration. My body is knotted up writing this, and yes, I am afraid. But what can I do? I just have to wait, anticipate.

In the afternoon sometime...
Silly girl, you should have known better than to stick your hand in that fire. It hurts, you know.

regress /progress

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