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My sleep schedule will be wacky

The stars are in motion tonight with the little white flakes that melt onto my eyelashes. Christmas feels better today, in a different way than last year. There was nothing that disappointed me today, nothing that left me unsatisfied. And maybe I'm taking all the purpose out of "holiday" by feeling the need for self-fulfillment, but so what. Christmas has been good so far. I don't hate it as much as I thought I would.

My family is overly generous in every aspect of life possible. There's so much unconditional love that spews from this clan that just cannot be contained by any means. They're wonderful.

Seeing Ge-off was good tonight. I began to believe that the drive out to AH wouldn't be worth it, but I really did have a good time in comparison to other times I've hung out with him. And I arrived home less than an hour ago...and the time is now 4 AM. These late nights need to stop.

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