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Happy Shmucks Day!

Deep breaths...breaking my wrists on the walls that castrate my intelligence.

Maybe you could break my heart next summer
It's a crying shame I'm all alone
Not with you, nor her, nor anyone
Won't you knock me on my head
Crack it open let me out of here

I know now, I know the silly intuition I had before was not wrong, and now I know. My blood flew through me with rapid speed, filling me as I threw my fists against the walls. I wanted them to crack, to break. Fuel the anger elsewhere. I ran. I ran with the freezing rain scratching my face, angry at me for whatever reason. I ran with my legs nearly bare, feeling them burn from what I cannot conclude to be hot or cold. I ran feeling my heart singing rhapsodies inside me. I ran from my lungs, feeling their expansion for air to never be enough to satisfy my wheezing head. I ran from the hurt. I ran from the tears. I never learn, after being hurt by others time and time again. Moreso I hurt by the one who loves me unlike any other. Maybe offended is a better word. I'm just stupid.

I miss all the times we had, where things were carefree and lackadasical. There is a love rectangle, and it's complexity will not subside until something is figured out. I don't know what I want...and I'm not sure I know what *you* want either. No more mind games, no more guessing. Truth, bleed honesty and reality. No more hiding behind blankets and small bodies.

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse...
It began to snow

3:15 P.M.
Who cares if I'm upset? I don't even know that I care if I'm upset right now. Vibes are bad right now. Where is Pat? I want it to all be over and done with so I can move on with the seemingly ignorant life I do partake in. I'm going to go bury myself in a corner with my arms wrapped around my knees. No one will ever find me. No one will care. My soul is bludgeoned and feeble, aching with the sentiment that has aroused so recently. I hope I'm not asking for too much for someone to just speak honestly with me. It's really all I want right now. Honesty, truth bleeding from your heart.

I didn't want to leave the bathtub today. It was so warm. I added hot water a couple extra times to turn my skin lobster red. It felt good. Everything from my neck down was enveloped in warmth. I don't want to go on with the rest of today. It's painful for me to keep my eyes open, to breath, to think...

I'm not feeling very "me" as of now. I feel kind of flacid, if that's really the right word to use. Just mushy, like Cream of Wheat or oatmeal. I don't know what to expect anymore. Don't expect anything, stupid. Just stop.

I've rationalized that I can't be upset at what I know, because I'm in the same damn situation. But there's still a lot of feeling tossed up into the air. It's falling down everywhere, and I think we both need to know where things are. I want to hear about *you*.

11:13 P.M. After you've gone and run away
*You* are on your way home now, still holding night and my heart inside *your* warmth. It's good to be back in your arms they way we've always been. I'm sure we've gotten nearly everything out. There is nothing left but us.

regress /progress

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