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Summer is so far away

I don't like things that I can't ignore, like this indesputable ringing in my ears. I can tune out everything and anything else I want to...but this. Maybe I'm going wait, that would mean that I wouldn't be able to hear the ringing. Gr, someone's got it in for me.

I like the simple pleasure in life, like going out late with fun people. John picked me up at some 2:10 last night. Not a whole lot happened, just talking and laughing and being, well, us. It was a perfectly clear night. The moon's vibrance stood out so well. I like it when it's bright, sometimes so bright it wakes me from my sleep. Stupid urban's hard to see the stars with so many lights. *sigh* Either way, last night was beautiful. And now I'm sitting here waiting for Emily to get here...she's pokey (hehe). Where is the warm weather? The days where time is irrelavent and space is endless? When can I perch on the rocks at the lake, staring blankly into the sky only to notice the orange lit city to my right? Is that time too far away? Where have the days gone that I'm able to enjoy the company of a car and DJ with our mindless chit chats? Come around soon, huh?

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