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Please don't go cuz I don't want to say goodbye another tonight

I do it because it interests me. Often times I'm in a daze, never knowing, never feeling, and just observing. And sometimes I feel like I've lost part of myself. But then I stop. And I realize that the absence is only a figment of my fragmented imagination. I wake up. I dream.

So while I sit here with sticky skin from the summer's slight heat, I think thoughts of you, always. And I remember all the times we were beautiful together, and I think of all the times that we will be beautiful together again. My dreams are always cut short though, with me falling from my placid stance. I wake up again.

So begins our story, our tale of Captain Blue-Green. Our hero, awaits the arrival of his love interest, Peach, as he stands alone, hands resting quietly at his sides. A movement in the distance. A person? Could it be her? He watches the mouse scatter across his feet, smiling as he passes by. Hours pass, and again there is noise in the distance. Yes, this time it is her.

And as the car pulls up on the dusty southern road, his heart begins to race, screaming like people on a rollercoaster. She steps out of the vehicle, hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, wearing a sea foam colored dress that draped over her, light like feathers. And she spoke, oh how she spoke.

Hello, darling.

Captain Blue-Green's heart began to race once again, spinning circles around his cluttered mind that couldn't utter out any sort of word fast enough.

You know that green is the color of the year, right?

Her mouth turned upwards into a smile. Her head turned up towards him too.

Do you know where I can find some blue stars here?

She clasped his hand in hers, and they began to walk to his house.

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