
Other diaries:


you're so good to me

so last night i sat on the wall by the lake and let my naked feet dangle. tiny drops of water touched them as the waves broke at the shore, and for some time, everything was beautiful. patrick is beautiful.

so we talked about waves and looked at stars, and i jumped around in the lake, but it was too cold. we watched a family of racoons, and the cubs came close to us to get a curious glance, only to turn away and run towards their mother. patrick was attacked by the pool monster, and i walked away unharmed.

he let me sleep for 15 minutes while he entertained phone calls from one of his dad's relations. but i kept making him laugh, because the situation was comically tragic, and really, everything was fun last night.

earlier that evening i'd also hung out with kristine and chris from showoff. i'm going to steal his puppy named scrappy and his kitty named milo because they are fun and playful and cute. and quite frankly, i like things that are fun and playful and cute.

regress /progress

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