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really, i'd love to sit on your baby

i don't know what i was thinking when i said 'okay' to watching an 18-month old for 3 hours a day, four days a week. i must have been on drugs or incredibly poor at the time, because, in all honesty, this is making me want to sterilze myself.

i no longer have sympathy for something that throws a temper tantrum when someone offers to change her poopy diaper. nothing deserves sympathy if it likes to sit in its own fecal matter. nothing. the kid's a masochist. she likes to be spun in swivvle chairs, only to climb down off the chair, fail to realize that she's dizzy, and faceplants herself on the ground. she also likes to jump off chairs while she's throwing the biggest fit known to man, cry on the floor, and look to the people standing above her, while we all stare and say you did it to yourself. maybe i'm just a bad babysitter.

i haven't done much in more recent days; heckling waiters loses its luster after a while (and by a while, i mean after a free salad and cheesecake), being at work is definitely overrated, as i work with some of the most insolent pricks on the face of the planet, and i can only watch star wars so many times before i start calling myself an anti-social loser.

regress /progress

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