
Other diaries:


ready for it - the stills

*going 80 mph down old orchard rd.
*being wanted by a senior boy while i was merely a sophomore girl.
*said boy somehow getting my pager number and making me come out to herm's.
*laying on my front lawn with my friends in the spring of '98.
*movie kisses
*going to navy pier in march of '02 on the first warm day after winter and taking lots of pictures with annelise and who?
*seeing jimmy eat world in california and meeting helena for the first time.
*june 7, 1998; josh's 18th birthday, spent cuddling on his couch while it rained all day.
*i'm on a street corner and i'm trippin balls!
*riding superman.
*seeing pink snow and smoking really fucked up joints.
*getting high nearly everyday junior year.
*dress up days with libby.
*florida and hawaii with libby.
*anytime i ever got high with emiko and/or hamish.
*friday and saturday nights at john's.
*february 8, 2003: when northstar didn't suck as people.
*chad moses looking way better than any girl could in a dress and silver go-go boots.
*breakup fest 2003
*tyler and brandon coming up from indiana and saving annelise all in the same night.
*downtown adventure with scott.
*kanye west and ludacris with jacob, brett, katie, and carl.
*any of the parties held in 2004 at annelise's house.
*suprising gabe on his birthday last year.
*meeting carri, hawaii 5-0, the holloway, maureen, tim, and kavya in chicago, rochester, and state college.
*sitting with annelise in the hotel in jersey.
*minneapolis in '98 with libby and playing cards in the lobby and meeting jeff mcclellen from kansas.
*sanibel in '97, being on the beach late at night with whitney, and meeting boys from minnesota.
*breakin the law with bernanananananana.
*TGs and rachel and annelise and rockford.
*time spent with tyson in normal.
*seeing andrew wk at summerfest with geoffrey in '02.
*mogwai moments.

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