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kylie minogue - love at first sight

nice days make people nice. people talk through their open car windows to each other while waiting for the light to change.

a tornado ripped up my room. there's stuff everywhere, and i fear getting lost in its abyss. this blows. i have too much stuff and not enough places to put it. what ever will i do?!

i assume that too many people have good manners and take other's feelings into consideration. i need a real reality check, because, as i've slowly learned, this is not the case.

i've decided that everyone, men, women, children, single celled organisms, should have a menstrual cycle at least once in their lives, so that everyone may know what it's like to bleed for 5-7 days and not die. it's like torture. so, when i become president of the world, it will be manditory that everyone/thing on the planet will have to bleed for 5-7 days.

speaking with a lisp is fun. being stressed out and homornal is not. i highly advise everyone to be nice to me for the next few days, as i might erupt like a volcano at a moment's notice. someone give me a cookie or a lobotomy, whichever you deem more easily accessable.

regress /progress

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