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Everything has turned to knitting

One day there will be even more fairy tales about a girl who was thought to have everything. I could even begin to tell you where they come from.

I don't think I've ever mentioned Levi, from OH. He's a MOC boy, which is all fine and dandy. But he's uber sweet and deserves a nice girl. Come sometime this summer, I'll have a new friend (we have yet to meet), as he'll be here for college. Yeah, Levi. Good stuff.

There's way too much frowning going on these days, not that I blame everyone because there are multiple valid reasons. But still, I'm having a hard time trying to make people smile and laugh.

Today's sunset was beautiful, a rarity. The clouds were so vividly colored they looked embossed. Annelise saw it. I guess that's all that really matters. Someone else shared the beauty with me.

Clarke's has been a two day habit, with the slight annoyance of Depaul college kids, but whatever. It's tolerable.

regress /progress

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