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it's good to see you again

happy birthday, emily. i don't know if you read this anymore, but happy birthday anyway.

life is pleasantly wonderful right now. i saw some of my favorite boys tonight. hans came to my door to pick me up and talked with my mom about school. we hugged on the stairs like we'd been apart for months (because we have). bert and nug were waiting in the car, and i always get wonderful greetings from those two. we are ridiculously funny together (the four of us), and pita inn is the best. being in hans's car reminds me of everything [last summer] when things were easy. i suppose that's what life is turning into now, as i get into more of a routine summer groove.

i didn't drive at all tonight, which was loverly. as soon as i got home, mike picked me up and we went to the beach with patrick. we made boobs with sand, i got pee sand thrown on my feet, and we talked about how tragic childhood sand boxes could be when magical little lumps of cat piss and poop appeared. and the best part is walking around barefoot because your feet are caked in dried sand, then washing them clean in a basin while sitting on a table because you're are too small (unlike the boys) to reach the basin without it.

tonight i liked feeling childish when i dug holes in the ground with my hands, and tonight i like how the short whisps of clouds spread across the pink sky as it faded to navy...and back into pink as it grew closer to another city. and i like tonight because we were in the middle of it all. so when i take my pants off tonight in my room and all the sand falls out of the creases, cuffs, and pockets, onto the carpet and deep into its threads, it will litter the floor with memories that i cannot see, but will always know are there.

i'm all about the memories.

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