
Other diaries:


kristen gets sick, kristen's head falls off

i don't enjoy people being mean to my friends, especially when they don't deserve it. i also don't appreciate the mind games or silly tricks endowed on other people that i care for. it shows nothing but a complete lack of consideration for a supposed loved one and furthermore, it's completely immature. boys need to get their heads out of their asses. that might help shed some light on things.

clifton is one of my favorite alabamians (among others) who really needs to move here. then we would have someone else to hang out with other than ourselves. today i told cliff that he could be my prom date. too bad my prom was nearly three years ago.

happy birthday, hump hump, happy birthday, hump hump...

today was one of the worst days ever. i have chai tea all over the floor of my car (and my snowpants too), i had to drive back home from school because i left my guitar there, my head fell off, i was sick, everyone had a bad day, and it was a monday. 'nuff said.

okay, so i lied about my head falling off, but i seriously wished it had happened. it probably would have been the best thing, aside from much anticipated visitors in a couple weeks.

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