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JMB.dreams.a year ago

I figure that my brain is mush right now. World religion is rocking my mind. I just don't care enough about it to breathe it all in.

John is leaving for the Airforce in 4 days. It saddens me some great deal, because he is indeed one of my bestest friends ever. And it frightens me, because I tell myself that he'll forget me. We've gone through lots in the past 1 1/2+ years. I just don't want him to forget, you know? He's an underrated guy, and despite all the problems/arguments/qualms we've had, he continually goes out of his way to make sure that I'm happy and feeling loved. He's the boy.

On another note, I'm having dreams of people trying to kill me, protecting the white of a St. Bernard pup's fur, and hobbling around with only Band-aids covering my wounds (I was stabbed, you know). I should sleep more. My dreams are getting exciting.

When I first started this diary, my entries were so very long. Sometimes I begin to believe that I have become more boring, that my life has minimized to nearly nothing. Then I think, I'm ten times happier than I was this time last year. This is a good thing.

regress /progress

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