
Other diaries:


I'm going to English class today

I'm having dreams again. Not the nice, warm, friendly ones, the kind that I like. No, it's the scary, cold, wake-up-crying-because-it-scares-you-so-much type.

I was back in high school. 'Nuff said.

Then there was Pat and his father...Somehow Pat had managed to gain about 40 lbs., dressed in a suit with a button down shirt that had the first few buttons opened. He drew these little pictures on a napkin, of wine glasses and anime and some other stuff. It weirded me out, that Pat was turning into his father somewhat.

The last part of the dream, I was clicking through Diaryland, and I came across a page that was supposedly John's. It talked about how he was going away to AZ again, and for some reason I really wanted to say goodbye to him before he left. I called him, frantic and upset, but he wasn't going anywhere. He just simply told me to stop wigging out and that he would see me later.

This entry was a mess, but I needed to get this down somehow so I didn't forget. I've been forgetting a lot of the things I shouldn't be forgetting. It's biting me.

regress /progress

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