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it's all about today, it's all about all of us

It is about noon right now and I'm writing in my friend Kris' diary. I guess it's making up for the last time when she had an open journal for a day, and I was stripped of the privilage because of my crappy computer. Hullo, my name is Dave. It's funny how these things work out. One day I was online reading my mail, when a gurl by the name of pyrostar82 gave me an instant message. We talked about similiar tastes in music and how we've always seemed to go to the same shows yet never met each other. That was about three years ago and to this day I thank the stars that I've met such a great friend. It's always great to meet such a friend in this freezing cold world full of vile-hearts. Whatever problems we have, we must remember that we're in it together. "remember to live"-written on the wall of the 3rd floor of Steagall Hall at SIU, Carbondale (IL)

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