
Other diaries:


i make crappy diary entries

i don't like how i come downstairs to get my history outlines and instead end up at the computer online. life is good at being ridiculous like that.

there's this overwhelming sense of me being uncomfortable when trying to make friends of the opposite sex. it's not that i don't want boy friends, because i most certainly do, but i do not want boy friends who are interested in being something more than friends. do you see where i'm getting at? i have this nice boy that i like to call my boyfriend, and though sometimes he makes me mad, he's still the boy. i just don't want any boys who want to be my boyfriend and not just a boy friend. get it? i think it's pretty simple.

kristine and i are good at making up lyrics to songs with asian language based lyrics. what's even better is that kristine hears the songs in her head, though already in some asian tongue, in english.

WNUA 95.5 (if you live in chicago, you know what radio station i'm talking about) is the soft core porn music radio station. 'nuff said.

regress /progress

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