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hope for us - the jealous sound

1. i want to thank all of the boys who have touched my life.
2. you have made me what i am today.
3. if you don't like it, too bad.
4. make sure you don't do it to other girls (or to me again for that matter).
5. boys treat girls badly just as girls treat boys badly.
6. boys rarely own up to it.
7. girls just run around it.
8. annelise is a good band.
9. bridget from annelise's work cracks me up.
10. i have hives on the side of my face which means i'm stressed out.
11. someone get the band aids and masking tape.
12. it's party time.
13. i put band-aids over all of my mosquito bites.
14. it makes me look like i'm very accident prone.
15. i rock harder than you.
16. and if i were a boy, i'd rock out with my cock out.
17. i was on the radio today; i voted for FOB.

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