
Other diaries:


The voice that cuts short

Spinning heart like a top, so fast that it might pop out and start turning out cartwheels in the street, with an earfull of beats...

Face pressed facing to the left, an eyefull of light ahead and no way of turning back in the opposite direction. The path is narrow and straight, and this path is what I will venture.

High strung on caffeine and nicotine.

After a passively boring hour with the guys, Dave finally called to say he was at Potions. I met him there, and I'm happy. We sat and talked for a couple hours, about music, about ourselves, about everything, while his two friends sat and played backgammon and chess in a corner. They were nice, super friendly and all. It was good times with them.

I spent the following couple hours with Mike in front of his house. Things happened with him, and he needed someone to talk to. It felt good that it was me.

Still bleeding insecurities down the sewers of the Internet...

regress /progress

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