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Exit by bathrobe

I'm not sure what I'm doing right now, what I'm thinking, or where I'm going with this. I think I need to think out my actions a little more before someone gets hurt, myself included. Gah, it's been forever and a day since I've last vented to someone, about everything and anything, cried my little frickin heart out. Maybe I just don't want to and maybe I just don't care enough. Part of me feels insecure confiding in anyone, partly because I feel that I don't want to put anyone else in my shit. Yeah, I do supress stuff, and this time it's not doing me any damned good. But I'm walking the thin line of fucking up, and pretty soon I'm going to fall off.

I felt quite anti-social tonight, despite my going to a soccer game with the boys (chasing away chickens) and hanging out with Andy. I spent some time with Charlie, which is always fun.

Things just aren't right though, and I really don't know what to do about any of it.

regress /progress

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