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I am backwards man

I'm stuck watching Undressed again. It's addicting, sickly addicting. I've spent several nights up til the early hours of dawn watching. I'm convinced my dad hates me. He does whatever he can to bring me down. *sigh*

*You* are gone tomorrow for one week. Tomorrow it will be one year. Amid chaos we find truth. I wish *you* could be here for it. I'm not crying for myself anymore. I can't. I want to cry for someone else, maybe even for *you*. My heart is mending, with just Scotch tape holding the pieces together now. I want *you* to see the tears because they are of happiness...I want *you* to see me.

I forget he's still in high school sometimes. I guess it's because I don't think of it often. Tonight was beautiful. The snow lays thick on the ground, and all the noises were muffled. It was dead silent tonight, the quiestest I've heard in years. It didn't even seem that cold out. Puddles were already forming from the disappearing frozen tundra outside. Things are always warmer with kisses.

regress /progress

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